I"ll tell ya one thing. Just let another man put his hands on me.
I"m on one - ya'll say a prayer for my crazy ass.
Just emailed my ex again. bahahaha.
You really think my 83 year old father can control my actions? bahaha.
And just try to get me for harrassment. I'm doing nothing wrong and you can lick my phat ass.
Fuck you, you ignorant mother fucker.
Write a rap instead of texting my father.
Maybe we can battle rap one day. I know more words so I'd win.
Am I a bitch?! Aww poor baby. Go cry to your mom.
Still praying for you. I have forgiven you but will never forget it. Never.
Think of all of this as Karma. It's a bitch, huh?
Thanks for being my muse.
Love ya,
Big Stank