Monday, February 24, 2025

Over You

 My Bestie with the testes 

can suck a big dick 

thinking he was slick

What a fucking prick 

Who do you think I am 

A doormat? A bank? 

Thought we were best friends. Damn.

You’re welcome for all the free dank

It’s okay, I’m over you now

You have a family

You’re welcome for the free therapy 

But one day you’ll bow

We all account for our sins

At the pearly gates

What will you say

When God asks about your debt, mate?

I pray for you I really do

She said I should leave you alone

Maybe you should do that too

Just remember next time she kicks you out. 

Don’t message me

My love has run out

I hope no one helps you and you’re the one in a drought

Maybe then you’ll know how it feels 

when you need a friend but no one is real

Focus on your family and maybe your vision

Imma do me. I’m a bad ass boss on a mission

-Andrea Beth Smith

Thursday, February 20, 2025

What is Love

 What is love

Who the fuck knows 

I met a boy 

He looked like an angel. 

I felt a tingle in my toes. 

Been boy crazy since middle school chronically single 

Thiught that love had bid me adieu

Then came you

With that sexy ass smile 

Big boots, red beard, and a Carhartt jacket 

I opened my door

I said to myself OK let’s make this happen 

You never wanted me though 

even though we fucked twice

I know you fucked 100 bitches since but I’ll never forget those nights

I never even kissed you but somehow started praying for you and I don’t know what happened. 

I ask God if this is some cosmic joke.

I’m not eating all I can do is toke. 

Haven’t heard from you in days. 

I hope you change your ways

I saw a future with you

I thought the love was true

But alas

You have a child 

I cannot interfere

but why do I dream about you when you’re not here?

Why can I not get you out of my brain? 

I hate to say it

but I’m going literally insane.

The wine isn’t working 

I’m almost out of weed. 

Nobody will come over in my time of need. 

I’ll be OK God is working at all times. 

See you in Boston my dear

I’ll be making more rhymes

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Losing a Muse

February 9th, 2023

He was her muse

She was worried she’d lose

Why does she chase after boys?

Who just want to use her as a toy

She’s not insane

He knows her pain

She doesn’t understand why he was put on her path

She’s never wanted anything more when she heard his laugh

She silently cries in her room

She goes from happy to gloom

She prays for a sign from God

She hopes he’s not a fraud

-Andrea Beth Smith

Monday, July 17, 2023

Texts to my ex.

 I"ll tell ya one thing. Just let another man put his hands on me.

I"m on one - ya'll say a prayer for my crazy ass.
Just emailed my ex again. bahahaha.
"Hey old friend,
You really think my 83 year old father can control my actions? bahaha.
And just try to get me for harrassment. I'm doing nothing wrong and you can lick my phat ass.
Fuck you, you ignorant mother fucker.
Write a rap instead of texting my father.
Maybe we can battle rap one day. I know more words so I'd win.
Am I a bitch?! Aww poor baby. Go cry to your mom.
Still praying for you. I have forgiven you but will never forget it. Never.
Think of all of this as Karma. It's a bitch, huh?
Thanks for being my muse.
Love ya,
Big Stank