What is love
Who the fuck knows
I met a boy
He looked like an angel.
I felt a tingle in my toes.
Been boy crazy since middle school chronically single
Thiught that love had bid me adieu
Then came you
With that sexy ass smile
Big boots, red beard, and a Carhartt jacket
I opened my door
I said to myself OK let’s make this happen
You never wanted me though
even though we fucked twice
I know you fucked 100 bitches since but I’ll never forget those nights
I never even kissed you but somehow started praying for you and I don’t know what happened.
I ask God if this is some cosmic joke.
I’m not eating all I can do is toke.
Haven’t heard from you in days.
I hope you change your ways
I saw a future with you
I thought the love was true
But alas
You have a child
I cannot interfere
but why do I dream about you when you’re not here?
Why can I not get you out of my brain?
I hate to say it
but I’m going literally insane.
The wine isn’t working
I’m almost out of weed.
Nobody will come over in my time of need.
I’ll be OK God is working at all times.
See you in Boston my dear
I’ll be making more rhymes
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