Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Yay Me!

I started a new job today!!  Yay me!! Oh and a biggie....  I'm losing weight!  I'm doing Jenny Craig and lost 14 pounds so far.  The food is delicious but I miss "real food".  Ha.  (Sometimes I still secretly have a McDouble but shhh...they are just so good!)

Lots of good things are happening and I'm glad because a year without working and then the crazy psychotic manic episode and hospitalization in April.  Then I crashed into a depression and basically stayed inside for 3 months and just talked to my mom.  Ugh.

But with much prayer, meds, and therapy - the highs and lows of this haunting mental illness have subsided somewhat.  I am much more even-keeled and not some 'crazy bipolar bitch thats off her meds'.  ha.  I'm bipolar so I can joke about it.  :-)

I miss stand-up.  My anxiety just makes it too hard to do it. But I will return to it someday I'm sure because it's just in me.  I have to do it.  I just do. 

Anywho, just wanted to update my 4 followers. hehe.  Thanks for following!  :-)

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