Monday, October 7, 2019

Hypersexual Days...

I always get manic after sex.  every. fucking. time.
It's horrible especially now that I have a full time job.  Ugh.  Must. Have. a. Shit ton. of. Coffee.
Maybe I should be celibate again.  That usually lasts years though and then I get a little promiscous.  ha.

I have weird hypersexual thoughts when manic.  I don't know how I stayed celibate for so many years at a time.  Well I used to think pre-marital sex was wrong and that sex should only be for marriage.  Oh how my views have changed.  I mean I'm 37 and never been married.  I can't wait forever to have sex, Jesus...shit.

I like oral sex a little too much.  Ha.  Just letting ya know.  I don't know why but I just like pleasing men.  I get tested and I'm not a hoe...I won't just go down on anyone.  ha.
But I don't get why I like it so much.  I guess it's just the oral fixation issue I have.

I am really enjoying this Merena birth control IUD thing.  I think it's made me even more horny though.  I haven't been taking my meds regularly cause I stay up 24 hours alot so maybe that's it.  Definetely need to take meds regularly, Beth.  Don't want to end up in the psych hospital again.

Well, I need to rub one out and get a couple hours of sleep before work.  I'll write more later.

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