My Bestie with the testes
can suck a big dick
thinking he was slick
What a fucking prick
Who do you think I am
A doormat? A bank?
Thought we were best friends. Damn.
You’re welcome for all the free dank
It’s okay, I’m over you now
You have a family
You’re welcome for the free therapy
But one day you’ll bow
We all account for our sins
At the pearly gates
What will you say
When God asks about your debt, mate?
I pray for you I really do
She said I should leave you alone
Maybe you should do that too
Just remember next time she kicks you out.
Don’t message me
My love has run out
I hope no one helps you and you’re the one in a drought
Maybe then you’ll know how it feels
when you need a friend but no one is real
Focus on your family and maybe your vision
Imma do me. I’m a bad ass boss on a mission
-Andrea Beth Smith