Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Comedy School Graduation Video

Gosh I can't believe it's been over a year since I've posted anything on here. I went to Comedy School in Charlotte, NC last year at The Comedy Zone and graduated on November 9th so I wanted to share my Graduation video.  I had a mild panic attack in the bathroom before the show and my Klonopin didn't even calm me down.  But I think I did decent.  I still need alot more stage time to overcome my fear of public speaking.  Ugh.  I know you are thinking if I have a fear of public speaking then why the heck do I want to do stand-up comedy.  Well I didn't choose to do comedy.  It chose me.  The man I was in love with got married in 2007, I got extremely manic and started writing pages and pages and then I'm like well this is kind of funny so I have to get on stage.  It's a crazy story I know.  I have tons of crazy stories.  But yeah, I still have a fear of public speaking and I haven't performed since this video because....well I don't know.  I hate the panic attacks.  I hate having to take extra anxiety meds then not timing it right and they don't even help.  Maybe I should try smoking weed before I go up.  I used to take a few shots of Jagermeister but I gave up drinking because it messes with my medication.  But anywho, here's the video.  Comment if you like it! Or if you don't you can comment too.  :-)